Shipping and return policies for The Book Club

Shipping Info
Shipping will start in the first week of 2021. An email will be sent to you when your product has been shipped. After this all products will be shipped out on time, although arrival times vary. Due to Covid-19 dates of shipping stated bellow may vary depending on the workload of the postal services wherever you live. Unfortunately, this is out of our control.

All shipping is from Royal Mail. Domestic shipping (UK) is 1st class with a 1 day delivery aim. International shipping is economy delivery which may take between 14-42 days as standard. This is to keep the price down for you. If you are an international customer and what your product within a standard 7 day delivery time then you must add this as a note to your order in which you will be sent a PayPal link for an extra £13 delivery fee before your order is shipped.

As stated when purchasing, tax charges may apply. This is on a county to country basis and the buyer will be liable to pay if these charges occur.
Please email for more info regarding this, or to ask further questions.
Return Policy
We can only perform refunds if the item/s you have purchased arrive damaged, or do not arrive at their destination within 3 months (due to possible complications with Covid). Please contact for any inquiries regarding refunds, along with as much proof/evidence as you can give. The sooner you send us an email after an incident has occurred, the easier it will be for us to solve the problem.